Dorcas Hennessey


Name: Dorcas Ellie Hennessey

Alias: Ellie

Age: 32 (Looks to be in her early 20s)

Height: 4’10”

Hair Color: Blonde (currently)

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Place of Birth: Cushendall, Ireland

Race: Xinshari/El Aurian

Current Status:

Helm- USS Wayfarer

Previous Posting(s):


Father: Captain Devon Hennessey (Retired)

Mother: Aoife Hennesseey


Brother: Isla Hennessey

Brief History:

Still learning to control her ‘gifts’ Dorcas randomly loses focus and her hair will change color to suit her mood. She hates being called Dorcas and goes by her middle name Ellie

Medical History:

In good physical health, no known allergies.

Mental History:

In good mental health.

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