

Name: Sen’de’ranos

Alias: Ender, Smurf, Red Eyes, Demon, Blue-Skin

Age: 75

Height: 6’1”

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red (pupil-less)

Place of Birth: Amanthia, Qadesh

Current Status: Executive Officer, USS Lorelei NCC-63241; Commander

Previous Posting(s):

Executive Officer, USS Pisces NCC-8651; Lieutenant Commander

Chief of Engineering, USS Polaris NCC-80601; Lieutenant Commander

Chief of Engineering, USS Chimaera NCC-9752; Lieutenant – Lieutenant Commander

Assistant Chief of Engineering; USS Kelvin NCC-10768; Lieutenant

Assistant Chief of Engineering; USS Pleiades NCC-28617; Lieutenant Junior Grade – Lieutenant

Engineering Mate; USS Sebatyne NCC-80113; Ensign – Lieutenant Junior Grade

Engineering Mate; USS Howard NCC-5064; Ensign


Father: Sen’ziros’hrauundo (Deceased)

Mother: Kryv’szella’varr (Deceased)


Brother: N/A

Sisters: Daer’ey’ath (Deceased)

Brief History:

Sen’de’ranos, and his family, had taken their private Star Yacht on a trip to a planet just discovered in the next star system (His parents were scientists in the Qadesh Expansionary Fleet). The trip took several months, due to their lack of faster than light / warp technology. Their yacht entered the system, and discovered several things; a) it was inhabited, b) it was being invaded, c) it was under attack from the Borg.

Unable to flee, due to their primitive drive systems, their vessel was easily taken into a processing bay of a Borg Cube. As they were taken to be assimilated, their vessel was recycled for parts. Sen’de’ranos’ father fought the drones, in a futile attempt to flee; and was disintegrated. Shortly after, Sen’de’ranos was assimilated into the Borg Collective.

While he can recall a lot of what occurred while he was a drone within the Collective, his role was that of an engineer upon the Cube he was stationed. Never seeing any true combat himself. His first true recollection of his own, was awakening on the surface of an alien planet; surrounded by Starfleet Security. The vessel he was on, invaded Federation space, and was eventually destroyed. Sen’de’ranos rode a large chunk of debris onto the planet, and some how managed to both survive, and survive unharmed. Taken into custody, he was slowly stripped of most of his Borg implants. After several years of observation, and isolation, Sen’de’ranos requested permission to attend Starfleet Academy; with the knowledge he retained from his time as a Drone, he easily passed all acceptance tests.


‘Ender’ has a near perfect ability to recall information he has seen; be it text, an image, or a person in passing. Whether this is due to the Borg implants within his brain that could not be removed, or a talent his species has, is unknown. The structure of his eyes allow him to see deep into the color spectrum; as well as grant increased vision in both low-light and full-light. Increased resistance of temperatures in the extreme cold.

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