Julian Davion


Name: Julian Sandoval Davion

Age: 30

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11”

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Home Planet: New Avalon

Place of Birth: Fort Lancaster, New Avalon



Christophe Davion (Deceased)

Harrison Davion (Uncle/Adoptive)


Lauren Sandoval (Deceased)


Caleb Davion (Cousin/Adoptive)






Julian was born to his parents at Fort Lancaster, located just outside the capital city of Morgan. His parents, both from royal families, were considered the closest friends of his uncle, Harrison Davion; First Prince of the Federated Suns. Julian had the pleasure of being the same age as Harrison’s son; which lead him to be at the prince’s palace, Númenor.

At the age of seven, Julian’s parents were killed in a shuttle accident; which, after investigation, turned out to be an assassination. Harrison quickly adopted Julian as his son; after all, he already considered him one from him being around so often. After several months of adjustment, Julian completely accepted Harrison as his new father. Newly dubbed a prince of the realm, Julian shipped off to military school. During the months he wasn’t schooling, he was touring the realm with his uncle and cousin. Learning of the various peoples his uncle ruled; and learned their customs from them directly.

At fourteen years of age, he was offered a position in the Nagelring (the youngest student to be accepted); the Federated Suns most prestigious military academy. Upon accepting, a rift opened up between him and his cousin, for Caleb wasn’t given the offer. Julian graduated at the top of his class, at seventeen years old. Before he could be offered a rank by the Military command, Prince Harrison stepped forward and named Julian as his “Prince’s Champion”.

Weeks after his graduation, Julian was reintroduced to a family friend, Lady Janella Lakewood. They had been childhood friends before the death of his parents, so they were quite fond of each other. After several days of reunion, Prince Harrison told Julian that he and Janella were to be wed. Once he had completed his newest level of training.

As Prince’s Champion, Julian was entrusted with the protection of the prince, and was given access to the most secret and sensitive of material. As his training was nearing an ending, a most auspicious event occurred. The Federation had visited the Federated Suns. After a couple years, a Federation Diplomatic team visited New Avalon, extending friendship to the Federated Suns. Harrison, accepted the offer, and opened up the FedSun military schools in exchange for FedSun members being accepted into Starfleet Academy.

As the first exchange student, Julian attended the Academy for three years, before graduating a full year early. With a double major; Command and Security. His first posting was as an Alpha shift conn officer. From there, he had several postings, before finally transferring to the USS Polaris at the rank of Commander. Longing to return home, Julian spoke to his Prince before accepting the posting, but was told to remain. Relations with the Federation had caused a boom in their economy.


Julian has been in excellent health for all of his life. With the exception of bumps, bruises, lacerations, and broken bones from combat training, he has had no major injuries. Due to the Federated Suns not being part of the Federation, he had some slight genetic modifications performed on him at a young age.

His neural network was enhanced for faster reaction time, immunity to most known diseases and illnesses. Slightly enhanced strength, stamina, and agility.


Secretive to a fault, but willing to open up to those he considers his friend. The death of his parents caused him to close in on himself when he was younger; to date, he hadn’t had a second episode.

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